
今天Kato組跟Hideki組決定在這次設計中合併, 所以人數上已經快追上CCC組了.
對於下次上課的工作是要對一些題目相關的事情做research, 並在下一次進行簡報.
基本上今天至少已經確定會跟Kuo打team. 我們決定做Theme.4, 對於smart region到底應該是什麼我們感到疑惑,
所以我們決定做smart city的research, 因為smart region冒似是smart city下的縮影,

Characteristics /

The label smart city is still quite a fuzzy concept and is used in ways that are not always consistent(一致). This section
summarises the characteristics of a smart city that most frequently recur(復發) in discussions of the topic.

基本上智慧城市這個概念其實還是很模糊的, 它可以被不同向度的看法解釋,

A stage reached in the development of infrastructure :

This usage is centred around the "utilisation(利用) of networked infrastructure(基礎設施) to improve economic
and political efficiency and enable social, cultural and urban development", where the term infrastructure indicates
business services, housing, leisure(休閒) and lifestyle services, and ICTs (mobile and fixed phones, satellite TVs,
computer networks, e-commerce(電子商務), internet services), and brings to the forefront the idea of a wired city as the
main development model and of connectivity as the source of growth.
(ICTs = Information and Communication Technology Services 信息和通訊技術服務)

智慧城市是指以基礎設施之間的互聯網來促進經濟發展, 行政效率, 和加速社會, 文化, 和都市發展.
基礎設施包括了商業服務, 居住, 休閒, 和生活服務, 以及信息和通訊技術服務(這其中包括了電信服務,
衛星電視, 電腦網絡, 電子商務, 網際網路), 這強調了一個城市該以發展完整網絡為目標,

The critical role of high-tech and creative industries in long-run urban growth is stressed(強調). This factor, along with
soft infrastructure ("knowledge networks, voluntary organisations, crime-free environments, after dark entertainment"),
is the core of Richard Florida's research.

其中高科技與文創產業在長遠的都市發展中佔了關鍵的角色, 同時伴隨著所謂的軟體基礎建設
(知識網絡, 志工單位, 無犯罪環境, 夜間娛樂), 這是Richard Florida所做的研究之核心概念.

The basic idea is that "creative occupations are growing and firms now orient themselves(定位自己) to attract 'the creative'"
While the presence(存在) of a creative and skilled workforce does not guarantee urban performance, in a
knowledge-intensive(知識密集) and increasingly globalised economy, these factors will determine increasingly
the success of cities.

但老練且充滿創意的這股生產力並不保證城市會繁榮的發展, 不過在一個知識密集與全球經濟成長的環境下,

A strategy for creating a competitive environment :

Here, a ‘smart city’ is taken to be one that takes advantages of the opportunities ICTs offer to increase local prosperity(繁榮)
and competitiveness - an approach which implies integrated(整合) urban development based on multi-actor, multi-sector,
and multi-level perspectives.

智慧城市的定義是說, 在信息和通訊技術服務產業所提供的優勢下使一個城市邁向繁容且充滿競爭力.
這同時意味著以多重角色, 多重部門, 和不同向度的觀點來整合都市發展.

This leads to an "underlying emphasis(重點基礎) on business-led(企業領導) urban development", creating
business-friendly cities with the aim of attracting new businesses. The data shows that business-oriented(以業務為導向)
cities are indeed among those with a satisfactory socio-economic performance. To this end, cities may design business parks
as ‘Smart Cities’: Kochi(科欽), Malta(馬耳他共和國), Dubai are all examples.

這一切說明了以商業發展領導城市發展的走向, 創造有利經商的城市來吸引新的業務.
因此, 有些城市會設計商務園區來以表自己屬於智慧城市, 例如印度科欽, 馬耳他共和國, 和中東杜拜.

Local intelligence capacity(生產力) is intrinsically linked(內部連繫著) to that of the knowledge-based economy(知識型經濟) 
where innovation(創新) and technology are main drivers of growth and the collective community intelligence(社群集體智慧), 
which underlines capacity and networks as main drivers of a community's success. This requires a planning paradigm(範例)
pertinent for(恰當為...)  urban-regional development and innovation management, similar to the related concept of
‘intelligent cities’ (or communities, clusters(群聚), districts and multi-cluster territories). By developing
sector-focused(重點部門), cluster-based or more complex intelligent city strategies, territories can set in motion innovation 
mechanisms(機制) of global dimensions and enhance(增進) substantially(大幅地) their innovation systems.

在地的的情報能力與以知識為基礎的經濟體系是息息相關的, 而創新的科技是一切都市成長的主要來源,
同時也是社會的集體智慧結晶, 這說明了一個社區的發展成功與否最重要的是其生產力與網絡,
這跟智能城市(或是智能社區, 智能群聚, 智能區域, 智能多重群聚領域)的概念有些相像.
透過發展重點部門, 群集化, 或是實施更多複雜的都市策略, 不同領域因而可以發展全球性的創新機制,

An approach to inclusive(包容) and sustainable cities :

An alternative approach(另一種態度) gives profound(深刻) attention to the role of social and relational capital in urban 
development. Here, a smart city will be a city whose community has learned to learn, adapt and innovate. This can include
a strong focus on the aim to achieve the social inclusion of various urban residents in public services and emphasis on citizen
participation in co-design.

一個智慧城市應該是一個能體悟如何學習新事物, 並適應, 然後接受它的社群.
這當中包括了關心如何透過公共服務整合不同城鎮的居民, 也強調市民應參與都市的整體規劃.

Sustainability is seen here as a major strategic component of smart cities. The move towards social sustainability can be
seen in the integration(整合) of e-participation techniques such as online consultation and deliberation(審議) over proposed 
service changes to support the participation of users as citizens in the democratisation(民主化) of decisions taken about
future levels of provision(規定).

永續在此是被視為智慧城市的主要策略. 在往社會可持續性的發展中,

Environmental sustainability is important in a world where resources are scarce(缺乏), and where cities are increasingly
basing their development and wealth on tourism and natural resources: their exploitation(開發) must guarantee the safe
and renewable use of natural heritage(遺產). This last point is linked to business led development, because the wise balance
of growth-enhancing measures, on the one hand, and the protection of weak links, on the other, is a cornerstone for
sustainable urban development.

環境的永續性在這資源缺乏的世界裡是至關重要的, 尤其是那些靠觀光與天然資源來決定其發展與財力的城市們.
它們對自然遺產的開發必須要確保在安全且可再生利用的前提下進行. 最後重點是對於商業主導城市發展的問題,
在促進成長的同時也要確保槓桿平衡, 一邊是保護薄弱的環節, 另一邊則是城市永續發展的基石.

People need to be able to use the technology in order to benefit from it. When social and relational issues are not properly
taken into account, social polarisation(社會兩極化) may arise as a result. The debate on the possible class inequality effects
of policies oriented towards creating smart cities is, however, still not resolved.

人們必須要能使用到科技才能得到它的回饋. 當社會關係問題沒有考慮到, 則可能造成階級對立,

It is the issues raised by sustainability can determine the very notion(概念) of a ‘smart’ city in contrast(對比) to
a digital or an intelligent city.


Critiques /

The main arguments against the superficial(膚淺的) use of this concept in the policy arena are:

-A bias(偏見) in strategic interest may lead to ignoring alternative avenues of promising urban development.


-The focus of the concept of smart city may lead to an underestimation of the possible negative effects of the development
of the new technological and networked infrastructures needed for a city to be smart.

在只關心發展創新科技與網絡基礎建設來形塑智慧城市的同時, 可能使我們忽略了其伴隨的潛在負面影響.

The idea of neo-liberal(新自由主義) urban spaces has been criticised for the potential risks associated with putting
an excessive(過度) weight on economic values as the sole(唯一) driver of urban development. Among these possible development patterns, policy makers would better consider those that depend not only on a business-led model.

因此除了這發展模式之外, 政策制定者也要好好考慮其他因素, 而不是僅取決於一個商業為主導的模式.

As a globalized business model is based on capital mobility(資本流動), following a business-oriented model may result
in a losing long term strategy: "The 'spatial fix' inevitably(不可避免地) means that mobile capital can often 'write its own deals' 
to come to town, only to move on when it receives a better deal elsewhere. This is no less true for the smart city than it was
for the industrial, or manufacturing city".

當全球化的商業模式只基於資本流動, 那一切只以商業為導向的策略可能使其失去長遠計劃.
空間修復意味著這些流動資本往往可以自己決定其動向, 當它有更好的條件可以選擇它才會移動.


